No Distractions

Hey, hi! I’ve got fun news. I’m working on a new book! I’m so excited about this one. It’s due to the editor on Friday. Yikes! Our plan is to have it published by September, so I’ll have it available at my Fall speaking events. Oh, I’m just so excited for you to read it. I’ll share more details once the editor has finished her work. (My brain is full of writing words, writing words, and writing words. But I’m loving it.) In the meantime, would you

It’s Never Too Messy or Too Late

Do you ever wonder if your mess is too big? If relationships are too broken? If it’s too late? Wondering if God could ever transform your heart or change your life? I bet most of us have been there. When my own not-so-good choices and hurts and tough situations threaten my belief that God is still bigger than all of the messes, I remember Peter. Peter. He was passionate. Expressive. Emotional. And at times, a real mess. Not perfect. Not proper. Not the pretty box tied up

This is Personal for Me

This is personal. I’ve been in the places described below. The Fridays and the Saturdays. That Sunday. And I bet you have too. I’ll never tire of sharing this note. It is truth. Encouraging. It brings hope. Please read it and then share it with two people you care about. People who need an extra dose of HOPE this week. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Hi. Scoot your chair a little closer. And if you’re sitting in a comfy arm chair and scooting isn‘t an option, lean in a

When the Eggshells Crack

I wonder about the nursery rhyme, “Humpty Dumpty.” What do you suppose prompted someone to write a riddle about a personified egg? (Nothing in the rhyme states that Humpty was an egg. But I’ve never seen a picture with a stalk of asparagus sitting on the wall. The egg thing works for me.) I also wonder why our parents thought it was something cute to tell us. The story ends very badly, you know. Since that doesn’t sit well with me, I wrote a new ending. Humpty

What are You Watching For?

Dorothy was a hoot! I met her at a women’s retreat. She was wearing a beautiful cobalt blue blouse while she told me about her grandchildren. When I complimented her on her blouse, she said, “Well, my hair color changed this month and I had to find something to wear that would match it. I usually use different hair colors, but this month I ran out of all of them. So, I just mixed what was left of everything I had. Now my hair color changes every

Keep Dancing!

Back in the day, my definition of “a cool girl” included her ability to dance. I wanted to be cool too, so I practiced at home in front of my bedroom dresser mirror before going to the school dance. That was just plain…good grief. I can’t even. It didn’t look like dancing, and it certainly wasn’t cool. I wonder how they danced in the Bible days. We know they did a lot of it in worship and celebrations, right? “Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine

As Surely as the Sun Rises

We gathered in a church basement in Hopkins, Minnesota, reminding each other of God’s promises. We laughed and dug into God’s Word and celebrated the gift we receive just by being with other women – Sisters in Spirit, each of us in different places on our journey to know God better. The lovely faces of these women reminded me of God’s extraordinary ability to create exquisite beauty. Their hearts reminded me of God’s faithfulness. When we moved to the sanctuary for worship, we were reminded of God’s

Around Midnight and 5:00 AM

We read this in Acts 16:25 … “Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God [from prison], and the other prisoners were listening.” Here’s what my version might look like … “Around 5:00 am, Gaye was fretting and whining her worries to God [from the comfort of her cozy chair], and the people were not listening because he was still sleeping.” Yeah. You’ve had one of those mornings too, right? When I wake up with a heavy heart and swirling chaos on my

Do-Overs and Start Agains

I love do-overs. If I don’t like what I’m writing, I hit the delete key and “do-over.” If my hair is having a bad day, my brush winds its way through and creates a “do-over.” If my chicken dish doesn’t turn out…well, I just throw that out. Wouldn’t it be freeing if we could “do-over” or throw out some of life’s moments that make us cringe? Pull the words back or stop ourselves from not-smart actions. Stupid decisions we made. Hurtful comments we shared. Hot pants worn.

Cheerleading and Game Plans

God is good. And life can be hard. A favorite part of my high school years was cheerleading. I loved my school, my friends, the sports, the camaraderie and enthusiasm, and the whole small-town vibe of everybody showing up and cheering for our Climax Vikings hometown team. And … I know this. When life is hard, some cheerleader shouting and jumping up and down while yelling “Let’s go! You’ve got this!” is going to become annoying very quickly. You’ll probably just want to grab her pom poms

Meet Gaye


Consider me a city girl with a Midwest small town heart. I’m not afraid to poke fun at my own mishaps, and I love laughing out loud 'til it hurts! As a speaker, author, blogger, and Chief Encourager, I bring you a breath of fresh air on this journey we call life!

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